## version $VER: MUIBuilder.catalog 2.00 (18.09.94) ## language czech ## codeset 0 ; MUIBuilder translation file ; Author : Eric Totel ; 5 rue Riquet ; 31000 Toulouse ; E-Mail : totel@laas.fr ; on february 1st 1994 ; Translated by : Stanislav Kneifl ; Strings for the 'Application Window' MSG_Application Aplikace ;Application MSG_Base ;Base MSG_Author Autor ;Author MSG_Title Titulek ;Title MSG_Version Verze ;Version MSG_Copyright Copyright ;Copyright MSG_Description Popis ;Description ; Strings for requesters ( Error requesters and others ) MSG_Cancel ;_Cancel MSG_Ok MSG_ChoseFunction Vyberte funkci ;Chose a function MSG_MergeFile idat soubor ;Merge File MSG_ComeBack Pro nahr se vra te do hlavn ho okna ! ;Go back to the main window to load ! MSG_ApplicationLost Budete-li pokra ovat,\n p ijdete o svoji aplikaci. ;You will lose all your application\n if you continue. ; Note : If you translate this file, please don't forget to insert your name ; in the following string. ; Please, insert something like : ; \n lokalizace:\n\033bStanislav Kneifl\033n\n MSG_AboutText \033c\n%s\nautor:\n\n\033bEric TOTEL\033n\n\ndatum: %s\n\nTento program je Giftware\nV echna pr va vyhrazena\n ;\033c\n%s\nwas written by\n\n\033bEric TOTEL\033n\n\nand released on %s\n\nThis program is Giftware\nAll rights reserved\n MSG_Failed Nemohu vytvo it aplikaci ! ;Failed to create application ! MSG_Arguments Ponech m jen prvn argument ! ;I keep only the first argument ! MSG_NeedWindows Ve va aplikaci mus t alespo jedno okno ! ;You need windows in your application !! MSG_NotEnoughMemory Nedostatek pam ;Not Enough Memory Error ! MSG_SelectWindow ve mus te zvolit okno ! ;You must select a window first ! MSG_Confirm Jste si jist e chcete pokra ovat ? ;Are you sure you want to do that ? MSG_ConfirmExit ertujete !\n\Opravdu chcete opustit tento program ? ;You must be joking !!!\nDo you really want to quit ? MSG_SelectObject ve mus te zvolit objekt ! ;You must select an object first ! MSG_SelectTmpObject ve mus te zvolit objekt z okna Do ;You need to select an object in tmp ! MSG_RemoveRootGroup ete odstranit skupinu kter je potomkem okna ! ;You can't remove the group child ! MSG_QuitWindowAttributes te zadat titulek, jm no a skupiny ! ;You need a title, a label, and groups ! MSG_NoChild Skupina, kter je potomkem okna, mus t potomky ! ;The Root group must have childs ! MSG_NothingToUndelete nic k vr ;There is nothing to undelete ! MSG_CantMoveRoot ete p esunout skupinu kter je potomkem okna ! ;You can't move root group ! MSG_NeedLabel te zadat jm ;You need a label ! MSG_NeedLabelTitle te zadat jm no a titulek ! ;You need a label and a title MSG_NeedImageLabel te zadat obr zek a jm ;You need to select an image and a label ! MSG_NeedBase te vyplnit pole 'B ze' pro aplilkaci ! ;You Need to fill in the application 'BASE' argument ! MSG_NotBuilderSaveFile Toto nen soubor MUIBuilderu ! ;It's NOT a MUIBuilder Save File !!! MSG_WrongVersion verze MUIBulder souboru ! ;Unknown MUIBuilder save file: probably wrong version ! MSG_SelectEntry te vybrat polo ku seznamu ! ;You must select a list entry ! MSG_NeedLabelEntries te zadat n zev a polo ky seznamu ! ;You need a label and list entries ! MSG_SeletNotifyLink Vyberte notify spojen ;Select a notify link ! MSG_NotifyExists Notifikace ji existuje ! ;Notification already exists ! MSG_SelectAction Vyberte si innost ! ;Select an action please ! MSG_SelectEvent Vyberte si ud lost ! ;Select an event please ! MSG_SelectNotifyLink Vyberte si notify spojen ;Select a notify link ! MSG_CantMovePopObjectChild ete p esouvat potomka PopObjectu ! ;You can't move a PopObject Child ! MSG_CantDeletePopObjectChild ete smazat potomka PopObjectu ! ;You can't delete a PopObject Child ! MSG_CopyNotImplemented Intern chyba\nKopie tohoto objektu nen implementov ;Internal Error\nThe copy of this object is not implemented MSG_ErrorReading Chyba p adres e Modules ;Error occured while reading Modules directory MSG_GroupError Pozor !\nSkupina %s\nm t %d potomk \na m jich %d.\nNezapome te opravit tuto chybu !\n ;Warning !!!\nThe group called\n%s\nshould have %d children\nand has %d.\nDon't forget to correct this error !!!\n MSG_SelectMenuTitle ve si vyberte tutulek menu ! ;Select a menu title first ! MSG_SelectSubMenu ve si vyberte submenu ! ;Select a submenu first ! MSG_GiveObjectAndLabel ve nastavte objekt a jm ;Give an object and a label first ! MSG_AlreadyGenerated Toto jm no je u vygenerov no v k ;This Label is already generated in the code ! MSG_SelectLabel ve vyberte generovan ;You must select a generated label first ! ; Rectangle Window MSG_RectangleChoices Parametry pro obd MSG_Rectangle ;Rectangle MSG_HorizontalBar Vodorovn linka ;Horizontal Bar MSG_VerticalBar Svisl linka ;Vertical Bar ; Prefs Window MSG_Configuration Preference ;Preferences MSG_ConfigChoices Volby konfigurace ;Config Choices MSG_GhostWindows Mizej ci okna ;Ghost Windows MSG_Icons Ikony ;Icons MSG_Requests Potvrzov ;Requests MSG_Editor Editor ;Editor MSG_Save ;_Save MSG_EditorChoice Volba editoru ;Editor Choice MSG_TestLabel Testovat ;Test MSG_Depth Hloubka ;Depth MSG_TreeChar Stromov znak ;Tree Char ; Main window strings MSG_WrittenBy Autor: Eric Totel ;Written by Eric Totel MSG_Windows ;Windows MSG_Creation Tvorba okna ;Creation Control MSG_Appli _Aplikace ;_Application MSG_NewWindow okno ;New _Window MSG_EditWindow _Editace okna ;_Edit Window MSG_Delete _Smazat ;_Delete MSG_View ;_View MSG_Code ;_Code MSG_Guide _Guide ;_Guide MSG_Quit _Konec ;_Quit ; 'Window attributes' Window MSG_WindowAttributes Atributy okna ;Window Attributes MSG_WindowIdentification Identifikace okna ;Window Identification MSG_Label ;Label MSG_AddChild idat potomka ;_Add Child MSG_RemoveChild _Odstranit ;_Remove MSG_Up Nahor_u MSG_Down ;_Down MSG_Tmp MSG_ToTmp esunout ;-_>Move MSG_ToChild esunout ;_<-Move MSG_RemoveTmp Odst_ranit ;Remo_ve MSG_Test _Vyzkou ;_Test MSG_EditObject _Editovat ;_Edit MSG_Notify _Notify ;_Notify MSG_Menu _Menu ;_Menu MSG_Copy ->_Kopie ;->_Copy MSG_CopyTmp <-Ko_pie ;<-Co_py MSG_OpenAtInit i vytvo ;Open at Init MSG_AppWindow AppWindow ;AppWindow MSG_Backdrop BackDrop ;BackDrop MSG_Borderless Borderless ;Borderless MSG_CloseGadget Close Gadget MSG_DepthGadget Depth Gadget MSG_DragBar Dragbar MSG_SizeGadget Size Gadget ; Group creation window MSG_GroupWindow Parametry pro skupinu MSG_GroupAttributes Atributy skupiny ;Group Attributes MSG_HorizGroup Horizont skupina ;Horizontal Group MSG_PageMode Registr ;Register Mode MSG_SameHeight Stejn ;Same Height MSG_SameWidth Stejn ;Same Width MSG_SameSize Stejn velikost ;Same Size MSG_VirtualGroup Virtu skupina ;Virtual Group MSG_Columns Sloupc ;Columns MSG_Rows ;Rows MSG_HorizSpacing Horizont mezerov ;Horizontal Spacing MSG_VertSpacing Vertik mezerov ;Vertical Spacing MSG_Register Registr ;Register MSG_RegisterEntries ;Register Entries MSG_RowsColumns dek/sloupc ;Rows/Columns MSG_Number ;Number MSG_Spacing Mezerov ;Spacing MSG_Horizontal Horizont ;Horizontal MSG_Vertical Vertik ;Vertical MSG_GroupIdent Identifikace skupiny ;Group Identification ; Child window MSG_ObjectChoice r objektu ;Object Choice MSG_Group _Skupina ;_Group MSG_KeyButton _KeyButton MSG_ListView ListVie_w MSG_DirList _DirList MSG_String Strin_g MSG_LabelObj Lab_el MSG_Cycle C_ycle MSG_Radio Radi_o MSG_Image I_mage MSG_Space Mezer_a ;Sp_ace MSG_CheckMark C_heckMark MSG_Slider Sl_ider MSG_Gauge Ga_uge MSG_Scale Sca_le MSG_Text _Text MSG_Prop P_rop MSG_Bar Recta_ngle MSG_Colorfield Color_field MSG_PopAsl _PopAsl MSG_PopObject PopOb_ject ; Label Window MSG_LabelIdent Identifikace ;Label Identification MSG_LabelChoice Parametry pro Label ;Label Choice ; String window MSG_Left Doleva ;Left MSG_Right Doprava ;Right MSG_Center Centrovat ;Center MSG_StringChoice Parametry pro String ;String Choice MSG_UseTitle t titulek ;Use a title MSG_SecretString Skryt obsah ;Secret String MSG_IntegerString obsah ;Integer String MSG_StringIdent Identifikace ;String Identification MSG_Content Obsah ;Content MSG_Accept ijmout ;Accept MSG_Reject tnout ;Reject MSG_MaxLen Max. d ;MaxLength ; Buttons window MSG_ButtonChoices Parametry pro Button ;Button Choices MSG_ButtonIdent Identifikace ;Button Identification MSG_ShortKey Hot Key ;Hot Key ; CheckMark Window MSG_CheckMarkChoice Parametry pro CheckMark ;CheckMark Choice MSG_CheckMarkIdent Identifikace ;CheckMark Identification MSG_InitialState Stav na po ;Initial State ; Cycle Window MSG_CycleChoice Parametry pro Cycle ;Cycle Choices MSG_CycleEntries ky Cycle ;Cycle Entries MSG_New ;_New MSG_Remove Odst_ranit ;_Remove MSG_Entry Vstup ;Entry ; Radio Window MSG_RadioChoices Parametry pro Radio ;Radio Choices MSG_RadioEntries ky Radio ;Radio Entries ; DirList Window MSG_SortbyName dit podle jm ;Sort by Name MSG_SortbyDate dit podle data ;Sort by Date MSG_SortbySize dit podle velikosti ;Sort by Size MSG_ListDirChoices Parametry pro ListDir ;ListDir Choices MSG_Attributes Atributy ;Attributes MSG_DrawersOnly Jen adres ;Drawers Only MSG_FilesOnly Jen soubory ;Files Only MSG_FilterDrawers Filtrovat adres ;Filter Drawers MSG_MultiSelection ;Multi Selection MSG_RejectIcons Nezobrazovat ikony ;Reject Icons MSG_SortHighLow dit od nejv ;Sort High-Low MSG_SortType sob t ;Sort Type MSG_Dir Adres MSG_SortDirs dit adres ;Sort Dirs MSG_DirsFirst Adres e prvn ;Dirs First MSG_DirsLast Adres e posledn ;Dirs Last MSG_DirsMixed chat adres ;Dirs Mixed ; Gauge Window MSG_GaugeChoices Parametry pro Gauge ;Gauge Choices MSG_Choices Parametry ;Choices MSG_HorizGauge Horizont Gauge ;Horizontal Gauge MSG_FixHeight ;Fix Height MSG_FixWidth ;Fix Width MSG_Divide ;Divide MSG_Maximum Maximum ;Maximum MSG_Height ;Height MSG_Width ;Width MSG_Infotext Informa text ;Info Text ; Code Generation part MSG_MultiplyDefinedLabel \033c\0338POZOR\nN sleduj na jsou\ndefinov MSG_MultiDefinitions definice ;MultiDefinitions MSG_CodeFileName stupn soubor ;Code File Name MSG_ObjectsLabels na objekt ;Objects Labels MSG_GeneratedLabels Generovan ;Generated Labels MSG_AppCode d _aplikace ;App _Code MSG_ObjectCode d _objektu ;_Object Code MSG_RemoveLabel Odst_ranit jm ;_Remove Label MSG_AddLabel idat jm ;_Add Label MSG_Options Parametry ;Options MSG_Declarations Deklarace ;Declarations MSG_Environment Prost ;Environment MSG_CodeOption ;Code MSG_NotificationsOption Notifikace ;Notifications MSG_CatalogButton Katalo_g ;Catalo_g MSG_Catalog Katalog ;Catalog MSG_Locale Lokalizovat ;Locale MSG_GetString GetString ;GetString ; Guide building part MSG_TextLength \0338 Celkov lka textu ;\0338 Actually Text Length MSG_NodeTitle no uzlu ;Node Title MSG_EditNodeText pravy _uzlu ;_Edit Node Text MSG_CantOpen Nemohu otev soubor ! ;Can't Open temporary file ! MSG_AmigaGuide AmigaGuide ;AmigaGuide MSG_Objects Objekty ;Objects MSG_Edit _Edit ;_Edit MSG_Edit2 E_dit ;E_dit MSG_Operations Operace ;Operations MSG_AppNode Uzel _aplikace ;_App Node MSG_WindowNode Uzel _okna ;Wind_ow Node MSG_ObjectNode Uzel o_bjektu ;O_bject Node MSG_GenerateWholeDoc _Vytvo it cel dokument ;Generate _Whole Doc MSG_GenerateWinDoc V_ytvo it dokument okna ;Generate W_in Doc MSG_GenerateObjDoc Vytvo it dokument ob_jektu ;Generate Ob_j Doc MSG_ViewDoc zat dokument ;_View Doc MSG_AmigaguideDocName stupn ho souboru ;AmigaGuide Doc Name MSG_CantOpenAmigaGuide Nemohu otev stupn soubor ! ;Can't Open AmigaGuide File ! ; Image window MSG_ImageChoice Parametry pro Image ;Image Choice MSG_FreeVertical ;Free Vertical MSG_FreeHorizontal ;Free Horizontal MSG_InputMode Vstupn ;Input Mode MSG_Frame ;Frame MSG_Size Velikost ;Size MSG_ImageIdent Identifikace ;Image Identification MSG_Images Images ;Images ; Listview Window ; MSG_ListChoice Parametry pro List ;List Choice MSG_ListType Typ Listu ;List Type MSG_ListIdent Identifikace ;List Identification MSG_StandardList Standardn List ;Standard List MSG_FloattextList Floattext List ;Floattext List MSG_VolumeList Volume List ;Volume List MSG_NoEntry ;No Entry MSG_FirstEntry polo ;First Entry MSG_LastEntry Posledn polo ;Last Entry MSG_Strings ;Strings MSG_AdjustHeight Nastavit v ;Adjust Height MSG_AdjustWidth Nastavit ;Adjust Width MSG_Activate Aktivovat ;Activate MSG_DisplayHook Display Hook ;Display Hook MSG_ConstructHook Construct Hook ;Construct Hook MSG_DestructHook Destruct Hook ;Destruct Hook MSG_CompareHook Compare Hook ;Compare Hook MSG_MultiTestHook Multitest Hook ;Multitest Hook MSG_Format ;Format MSG_FloatText Plovouc text ;Float Text MSG_FileName no souboru ;File Name MSG_DoubleClick Dvojklik ;Double Click ; Prop Window MSG_PropChoices Parametry pro Prop ;Prop Choices MSG_HorizontalProp Horizont Prop ;Horizontal Prop MSG_EntriesNumber et hodnot ;Entries Number MSG_FirstNumber hodnota ;First Number MSG_VisibleNumber Viditeln ;Visible Number ; Scale Window MSG_ScaleTitle Scale ;Scale MSG_Orientation Orientace ;Orientation ; Slider Window MSG_SliderChoice Parametry pro Slider ;Slider Choice MSG_Reverse ;Reverse MSG_SliderQuiet Bez hodnoty ;Slider Quiet MSG_UseTitleSlider t titulek ;Use a title for slider MSG_Minimum Minimum ;Minimum MSG_Init Inicializace ;Initialisation MSG_SliderIdent Identifikace ;Slider Identification ; Text window MSG_TextAttributes Atributy textu ;Text Attributes MSG_TextSetMax Text SetMax ;Text SetMax MSG_TextSetMin Text SetMin ;Text SetMin MSG_Backgrounds Pozad ;Backgrounds MSG_TextContent Obsah ;Text Content MSG_Preparse Preparse ;Preparse ; Test Window MSG_TestWindow Testovac okno ;Test Window MSG_TestClick _Klikni sem ;_Click Here MSG_FirstLine ;First Line MSG_SecondLine ;Second Line MSG_ThirdLine ;Third Line ; Notify Window MSG_NotifyTitle Notify ;Notify MSG_InternalError Intern chyba ;Internal Error MSG_ChoseIdent Zvolte identifik ;Chose an indentifier MSG_ChoseVariable Zvolte prom ;Chose a variable MSG_Editing \033cEditace : ;\033cEditing : MSG_Events losti ;Events MSG_Actions ;Actions MSG_AddNotify idat notify ;_Add Notify MSG_RemoveNotify Odst_ranit notify ;_Remove Notify ; Get MUI argument window MSG_AddToList ;_Add MSG_RemoveFromList Odst_ranit ;_Remove MSG_SelectIdentifier ve zvolte identifik tor ! ;Select an identifier first ! MSG_IdentifierExists Identifik tor ji existuje ! ;Identifier already exists ! ; Get Constant value window MSG_GetConstant Constant ;Get Constant Value MSG_IntegerConstant Integer ;Integer MSG_BooleanConstant Boolean ;Boolean MSG_StringConstant String ;String MSG_CharConstant ;Char ; Area Strings ; Area Name MSG_Area ;Area MSG_Hide ;Hide MSG_Disable ;Disable MSG_PhantomFrame Phantom Frame ;Phantom Frame MSG_Weight ;Weight MSG_Background Pozad ;Background MSG_ControlChar Hot key ;Control Char MSG_TitleFrame Titulek r ;Title Frame ; PopAsl Window MSG_PopUpImage PopUp Image ;PopUp Image MSG_PopFileImage PopFile Image ;PopFile Image MSG_PopDrawerImage PopDrawer Image ;PopDrawer Image MSG_FileRequester File Requester ;File Requester MSG_FontRequester Font Requester ;Font Requester MSG_ScreenModeRequester Screen Mode Requester ;Screen Mode Requester MSG_PopAslChoices Parametry PopAsl ;PopAsl Choices MSG_RequesterType Typ requesteru ;Requester Type MSG_CallHook hook ;Call Hooks MSG_StartHook Start Hook ;Start Hook MSG_StopHook Stop Hook ;Stop Hook ; PopObject Window MSG_PopObjectChoices Parametry pro PopObject ;PopObject Choices MSG_Follow Sledovat okno ;Follow MSG_Light ;Light MSG_Volatile ;Volatile MSG_Object Objekt ;Object MSG_OpenHook hook ;Open Hook MSG_CloseHook hook ;Close Hook ; ColorField Window MSG_ColorfieldChoices Parametry pro Colorfield ;Colorfield Choices MSG_Indentification Identifikace ;Identification ; Menu Creation MSG_MenuCreation Tvorba menu ;Menu Creation MSG_EnableCheck ;Enable Check MSG_CheckState Stav zatr ;Check State MSG_Toggle ;Toggle MSG_ShortCut Hot key ;Short Cut MSG_Enable Povolen ;Enable MSG_NewTitle _titulek ;New _Title MSG_SubMenu _Submenu ;_SubMenu MSG_MenuItem _Polo ka menu ;Menu_Item MSG_DeleteMenu Odst_ranit ;_Delete ; Menus MSG_Project Projekt ;Project MSG_Merge M\0Spojit ;M\00Merge MSG_SaveMenu S\0Ulo ;S\0Save MSG_QuitMenu Q\0Konec ;Q\0Quit MSG_Fold F\0Slo ;F\00Fold MSG_Unfold D\0Rozlo ;D\00Unfold MSG_About ?\0Informace ;?\00About MSG_Config P\0Konfigurace ;P\00Prefs MSG_Undo U\0Vr tit smazan ;U\00Undelete MSG_Load O\0Na ;O\00Open MSG_NewMenu N\0Nov ;N\00New MSG_SaveAs A\0Ulo it jako ;A\00SaveAs MSG_EditMenu ;Edit MSG_Tree Strom ;Tree ; 25.08.94 MSG_CatalogPrepend edpona ;Prepend MSG_HelpGenerated Gonerovan ;Generated ; Notifications MSG_NotifyHide ;Hide MSG_NotifyShow ;Show MSG_NotifyDisable ;Disable MSG_NotifyEnable Povolit ;Enable MSG_NotifyActivate Aktivovat ;Activate MSG_ReturnID tit ID ;Return ID MSG_ReturnQuit tit Quit ;Return Quit MSG_ApplicationSleep Uspat aplikaci ;Application Sleep MSG_ApplicationWake Vzbudit aplikaci ;Application Wake MSG_CallFunction Zavolat funkci ;Call function MSG_Iconify Ikonifikovat ;Iconify MSG_UnIconify Odikonifikovat ;Uniconify MSG_Unactivate Deaktivovat ;Unactivate MSG_OpenWindow t okno ;Open Window MSG_CloseWindow t okno ;Close Window MSG_Active Aktivovat ;Active MSG_CloseRequest adavek na zav ;Close Request MSG_Deactivate Deaktivace ;Deactivate MSG_PutTriggerValue it trigger hodnotu ;Put Trigger Value MSG_PutConstantValue it konstantu ;Put Constant Value MSG_PutVariableValue it prom ;Put Variable Value MSG_PressButton Stisk tla ;Press Button MSG_ReleaseButton Uvoln ;Release Button MSG_NotifyDisabled ;Disabled MSG_NotifyEnabled Povoleno ;Enabled MSG_TimerAction ;Timer Action MSG_ChangePage nit str ;Change Page MSG_Acknowlede Potvrzen ;Acknowledge MSG_ChangePosition Posun kurzoru ;Change Position MSG_ChangeContent na obsahu ;Change Content MSG_ClearList Smazat obsah ;Clear List MSG_JumpToPosition Skok na polo ;JumpToPosition MSG_RedrawAll ekreslit v ;Redraw All MSG_RedrawActive ekreslit aktivn ;Redraw Active MSG_RemoveActive Odstranit aktivn ;Remove Active MSG_SortList ;Sort List MSG_NotifyDoubleClick Dvojklik ;Double Click MSG_ChangeActive r polo ;Change Active MSG_ChangeValue na hodnoty ;Change Value MSG_ActiveModified na stavu ;Active Modified MSG_Select ;Select MSG_Unselect ;Unselect MSG_SelectOn r zapnut ;Select ON MSG_SelectOff r vypnut ;Select OFF MSG_SelectChange ;Select Change MSG_PressImage Stisk Image ;Press Image MSG_ReleaseImage Uvoln Image ;Release Image MSG_ChangedPosition poloha ;Changed Position MSG_NotifyReverse ;Reverse MSG_ChangedText text ;Changed Text MSG_ChangedEntriesNumber na po tu polo ;Changed Entries Number MSG_ChangedVisibleEntries na viditeln ch polo ;Changed Visible Entries MSG_PutTriggerRed Nastavit ervenou (hodnota trigger) ;Put Red Value (Trigger Value) MSG_PutTriggerBlue Nastavit modrou (hodnota trigger) ;Put Blue Value (Trigger Value) MSG_PutTriggerGreen Nastavit zelenou (hodnota trigger) ;Put Green Value (Trigger Value) MSG_PutConstantRed Nastavit ervenou (konstanta) ;Put Red Value (Constant Value) MSG_PutConstantGreen Nastavit zelenou (konstanta) ;Put Green Value (Constant Value) MSG_PutConstantBlue Nastavit modrou (konstanta) ;Put Blue Value (Constant Value) MSG_PutVariableRed Nastavit ervenou (prom ;Put Red Value (Variable Value) MSG_PutVariableGreen Nastavit zelenou (prom ;Put Green Value (Variable Value) MSG_PutVariableBlue Nastavit modrou (prom ;Put Blue Value (Variable Value) MSG_ChangedRed ernven ;Changed Red Value MSG_ChangedGreen na zelen ;Changed Green Value MSG_ChangedBlue na modr ;Changed Blue Value MSG_ChangeTitleTrigger na titulku (trigger) ;Change Title (Trigger Value) MSG_ChangeTitleVariable na titulku (prom ;Change Title (Variable Value) MSG_ChangeTitleConstant na titulku (konstanta) ;Change Title (Constant Value) MSG_CheckMenuON ;Check ON MSG_CheckMenuOFF Nezatr ;Check OFF MSG_CheckableON iteln ;Checkable ON MSG_CheckableOFF Nezatr iteln ;Checkable OFF MSG_ChangeShortTrigger na hot key (trigger) ;Change Shortcut (Trigger Value) MSG_ChangeShortVariable na hot key (prom ;Change Shortcut (Variable Value) MSG_ChangeShortConstant na hot key (konstanta) ;Change Shortcut (Constant Value) MSG_ToggleFlagON epnout flag ON ;Toggle Flag ON MSG_ToggleFlagOFF epnout flag OFF ;Toggle Flag OFF MSG_MenuTriggered Menu Triggered ;Menu Triggered ; Space Window MSG_SpaceChoice Parametry Space ;Space Choices MSG_HorizontalVertical Horizont a vertik ;Horizontal and Vertical